August 17, 2011

My First Video

This is a video that expands the lessons Factoring and FOIL. I work through an example, then check my work.
I would love some feedback. Is this a good way to teach lessons? Does it help you understand any better? Does it confuse you? Is it an awful video in general?


  1. I think it was a good video! At first I wasn't sure how to do the box, but then when I saw you do it, I understood. But that's a cool method (the box) I can't remember how we did it back in my class though.

  2. I like, it's pretty good. But instead of just a text intro and then saying "first step" you should also include a vocie intro, after or during the text

  3. Thank you for the suggestion!

    I don't think I'll be making many more videos (the process didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked and I discovered that I hate the editing software I have), but if someone really wants me to or if I come across a topic like factoring that I think really benefits from it, the possibility is there.


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