October 14, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Blogger is not allowing comments on Pages at the moment (there are about a thousand people in the forums complaining about the glitch), which means that no one can leave a comment/question in my "Click Here to Post a Question" area. For now, ask questions as a comment to this post or any other posts. Hopefully this issue will be resolved soon.


  1. Ah, that's why there wasn't a comment section. Thanks for the info, I'll remember that for my own blog. Thanks!

  2. I am looking to write a proof (without breaking it into cases) for the following:
    Prove that |x+y| ≤ |x|+|y| using the following assumptions:
    -|x|≤ x ≤ |x|
    if c ≤ r, then c ≥ -r
    if r ≥ -c, and r ≤ c, then -c ≤ r ≤ c.
    A little help please?


Feel free to comment as anonymous! Don't worry, I don't have those annoying Captchas for my commenters.